Caroline Parietti, Cyprien Ponson - Switzerland - France / 2017 / 90’
Bé’ jam bé is a film-forest, a cry for action, a theatre of shadows told in the penan
language and set within the deepest jungles of Borneo, from the midst of which the
incantational song of the invisibles emerges.
In Sarawak, one of the two Malay states on the island of Borneo, “the ones who live
upstream” are the first affected by the massive deforestation currently taking place.
The Penan, once a nomadic people, are caught today in the eye of that particular
storm : how to go on living when one’s entire world is being taken apart, when the
landscape, which brought meaning to existence, literally disappears and with it
language, customs and the spirits? A documentary thriller, ‘BE'JAM BE - The Never
Ending Song’ is testament to a modern forest guerrilla, whose men armed with
blowpipes face bulldozers.